Labor Day Weekend & Other Stuff

This post is all over the place……


My sister-in-law, you know- this one   (we have since made up)

Sent some pictures of her twins to us: you know, these twins.

Twin Cousins

Twin Cousins- adorable

I have also completely changed my mind about the second set of twins in the family. Originally, I felt so cheated. But as time has passed, I think it’s actually pretty cool. I mean 2 sets of twins in the same family that were born 5 months a part? It will be so nice for the girls to have another set of twin cousins to relate to when growing up. I just know the little boy will feel left out with three little girls.

This weekend….

So we spent some quality time with the girls this week. It was nice to be with them along with my husband. One big happy family. Of course me and my husband definitely want to kill one another after being together the week.

On Friday, my husband and I  went to see Pineapple (my review another time), took the girls to the park, visited friends, and had dinner by my parents house.


Neve @ the park

Soleil & My brother

Soleil & My brother

On Saturday, we went to the mall, frantically looking for clothing to wear for a co-workers wedding that night. My husband found something, alas I did not.

It was a beautiful wedding in Long Island. Aside from the fact that we sat with the WRONG wedding party for almost 2 hours before we realized that the actual wedding was already taking place- yes, that happened. Hey- if you didn’t know anyone at the wedding- it could have happened to you!

When we did find the actual wedding it was nice.

waiting in the lobby with wrong party

waiting in the lobby with wrong party


The happy couple

The happy couple


me & the bride

me & the bride

On Sunday – we went to my cousin’s BBQ. It was nice to be with family, as we don’t have much family in the States. My cousin’s wife went through 3 years of failed IVF before becoming pregnant with her oldest child who is 6 years old. A month and a half after her son was born, she found out that she was pregnant again! Her two sons are 10 months apart! She said that it was by far the hardest time in her life. That things were so hectic and she didn’t enjoy the ride. Now that her sons were a bit older, they tried again- and she became pregnant naturally with her third son who is now 5 months old. She says that she is truly enjoying him- that he’s the “icing on the cake”. That she instantly bonded with him, something that took her time to do with her two oldest. It made me feel as though I am not alone.. that I guess a lot of people don’t enjoy their children’s first few years because of how hectic things are. It was also nice to hear she felt that way since she too had fertility treatments. I don’t ever want to seem ungrateful for these beautiful gifts that I received almost a year ago. I am just wondering if I will enjoy the third child (if I am lucky to be blessed again) a bit more.

I am also in the  midst of planning my daughters first birthday party. I cannot believe it is 2 months away. 2007/2008 was by far the hardest year of my entire life. I am not sure that I am even close to being over it. It’s funny- just when you think that things that you have wanted and dreamt about are finally falling into place, you are dealt a bad hand. Everything can be taken away from you in the blink of an eye.

Hope you all had a wonderful

7 thoughts on “Labor Day Weekend & Other Stuff

  1. KJ and the kids

    2 hours at the wrong wedding. That’s funny.
    Wedding crashers.

    The girls are darling. You look great. Even though you are not smiling 🙂

    I can’t believe they are turning 1 either. WOW !

  2. pillarr1

    I almost fell out of my chair when I read that you were sitting at the wrong wedding.

    You had such a busy weekend. I am always in awe of all of the things that you do. I did not do anything the whole 3 days.

    I know what you mean about not enjoying this first year. Just trying to get through the daily grind is enough. I hate to complain to anyone because I think they will think I am an ungrateful loser.

    Have fun planning the party.

  3. Kirsten

    You look great in purple!! I wish I had a “color” but haven’t found it yet…

    I wonder the same thing about a third child; I am just so curious to see how different it’d be to have one instead of two. But, not sure if I’m THAT curious…:)

  4. Sugar & Ice

    What are you going to do for their birthday? Something fancy?? We went pretty simple with Lila’s first birthday since she was only one and would have no appreciation of all the work (and money) I’d have to put into it. I’m saving the extravagant stuff for when she can remember it.

  5. Robin

    On Long Island? At the wrong wedding? Were you at Leonard’s? That place is so crazy that there are even stories of BRIDES at the wrong wedding – walking down the wrong aisle!


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